About Believing In Yourself

“We don’t get what we ask for we get what we believe. And what we believe about ourselves shows up in our energy. It’s how we walk into a room, it’s how we communicate through body language ‘I don’t deserve to be here.’ It’s whether we sit up straight or hide out in the back of the meeting. At times, my own energy has been saying ‘I’m cool with the bare minimum don’t give me more.’ Without knowing it, I stunted my growth because I was scared to be magnificent & doubtful that I was. I’ve embraced experiences I never dreamed I’d have & I’ve risen to some enormous moments. But there’s still more I can do, other ways for me to grow. And as I keep relearning, it’s okay to own a desire for more.”

–Alicia Keys

This is one of my favourite quotes about believing in oneself, about choosing to accept the bittersweet challenge of growth. These words were written by a great musician & artist, Alicia Keys, for her memoir called More Myself. Alicia seems like a wonderful, genuine human being: it shows in how she expresses herself as an artist, in her music, her smile, in how she freely enters the zone whenever she performs. I feel that each of us, just like Alicia, are given multiple chances to embrace who we truly are & fully express ourselves. This kind of evolution requires continuous work on developing self-awareness & massive efforts to overcome & deactivate unsupportive “belief systems” which have been taught to us & passed down by the people who surrounded us as we grew up.

“Your brain is changing everyday. It is a constant work in progres, think about this statement: you can never step in the same river twice.” –Janet Thomson MSc

You could tap into your awareness & realize that these outdated beliefs you have received involuntarily don’t need to be true anymore. You’re capable of rebuilding yourself & transforming your perspective & thoughts about your identity – who you are or what you’re capable of, thus changing how you interpret experiences, how you speak, act, and affecting your results positively. You can break through any learned helplessness & let go of each of the limitations you are subconsciously imposing on yourself. Take what works, unlearn the rest & create new supportive beliefs.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.

–W.H. Murray”

I’ve read this passage on T.Harv Eker’s book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind which encouraged me to fully accept & keep developing an abundance mindset. I believe that the universe is abundant & more than anything, it wants you to thrive & be the best expression of who you are – for you to realize your genuine potential. The universe is always ready to assist you, guide you, support you & pave the way for you once you make a decision to truly believe in yourself & commit to taking the right actions – no matter how small- every day.

When you acknowledge your strengths & work on the things you could do now & are capable of, the voice in your head filled with doubts & fears become quieter. If you believe that no matter what happens, you can depend on yourself, that you got your back & you’re going to keep trying whilst enjoying your journey, then one day you can look back & treasure your moments of growth with immense gratitude.

So, what are the outdated belief systems that were passed down to you? These beliefs have served you & brought you to where you are now. Do you need to update your beliefs to help you become who you honestly want to be? What are the new beliefs that you want to activate in this next phase of your life?

Coffee soon,
