Why Purge? Embracing the art of decluttering.

Why purge? Why do we need to declutter? And why should we do it regularly?

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First let’s talk about what purging means anyway. To purge means to free yourself from something of an unwanted quality, feeling, or condition. It means physically removing something from your environment completely.

So, why purge?

Simply because purging allows you to update yourself. By just purging your closet for 15 minutes – you actually get to find out which clothes are still helping you express yourself. Whenever you purge, you have the opportunity to rebrand yourself.


Why do we need to declutter?

Everything that we own has some sort of energy bound from us. There are some things we truly treasure & some items that we just wanted to consume or experience for a moment. When we own too much – they translate into cache just running in the background waiting to be activated when we interact with the item again. And when we store everything instead of clearing the unneeded & unwanted cache, we would lag in our performance. This is why we purge.

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What else could we purge?

Anything that remains in our lives, we choose it. We make a choice to keep or delete things. And whenever you choose to store things, you postpone their deletion & delay your updates as well.

But aside from files and things like clothes, bags, electronics, etc. What else should we purge? It’s not just our shoes that goes out of style after a season, our thoughts, ideas & beliefs also need regular updates. Why purge ideas? To make room for better ones. Innovation & creativity can only develop if you delete outdated thoughts. You only grow to your fullest potential when you purge old beliefs regularly. We read, widen our perspective, enhance our vision of our future. When we don’t purge old thoughts, beliefs, and even dreams, we get stuck in a loop.


To know more about limiting beliefs, you may read it here in my recent article.

Is it okay to purge people? And how?

It’s definitely okay. You must ask again what it means to purge. It means freeing yourself from an unwanted quality, feeling, or condition, and removing something from your environment completely. And I know how “purging someone” may sound scary & bring about feelings of guilt. But once you learn to prioritize yourself, you’ll realize how it’s actually much scarier to purge your own existence & expression just to make room for other people.

Much like things, we have some sort of energy bound to other people we interact with. Other people’s energy could only change with their own intentions. And their beliefs & energy towards you could pretty much remain outdated no matter how much you have actually grown. If their beliefs towards us are outdated, what happens when we put ourselves within their frequency is we force ourselves to shrink back to these old beliefs. Unfortunately, we do this subconsciously for social acceptance.

On the other hand, we already know that other people are always beyond our control. We only have complete control over our perspective, decisions & actions. So, we can peacefully choose to put ourselves away from toxic environments. If we cannot totally purge them – if they are your parents, siblings, cousins, relatives or old friends – you can decide to see them less often instead. We only have limited willpower to cancel out other people’s close-mindedness & negativity so I suggest having some fresh air as far away from them as possible, as often as you could. And if you absolutely need to spend time with them, show up as your true self.

The law of conservation of energy says that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

When people use energy, it doesn’t disappear. Energy changes from one form of energy into another form of energy.” You can shake off their negativity or if you believe that you have mastered yourself well enough, then use these energy & transform them into something good.

So, why purge? It is to make room for better ideas, words, perspective, decisions, actions, & things. We purge to update ourselves. We avoid getting attached to just anything & everything, but we keep precious things that are truly meaningful to us & give us good energy.

Coffee soon,
