Tag: self help

  • Why Purge? Embracing the art of decluttering.

    Why purge? Why do we need to declutter? And why should we do it regularly? First let’s talk about what purging means anyway. To purge means to free yourself from something of an unwanted quality, feeling, or condition. It means physically removing something from your environment completely. So, why purge? Simply because purging allows you…

  • Why growing your roots is more important than stretching your branches

    Do you feel like you reach out more than you think you should? As if you’re stretching yourself thin voluntarily thus effectively neglecting yourself? Just recently, I had another meaningful conversation with my husband. When journaling or reading doesn’t help me so much in figuring things out, this guy is right beside me, ready to…

  • How the universe supports your growth…

    “It is your duty to see the best within yourself, because those that are aware of their own love, who believe in their own selves – they move through life differently. They are kinder, and are more whole. They are more forgiving & more accepting & more willing to learn, to empathize, and to find…

  • About Acceptance

    One of my favourite authors Brianna Wiest talks about something I find truly important in one of her books. She says “Love them where they are. If someone is falling behind in life, you don’t have to remind them. They already know. If someone is unhealthy, they know. If someone is struggling with relationships, they…