How the universe supports your growth…

“It is your duty to see the best within yourself, because those that are aware of their own love, who believe in their own selves – they move through life differently. They are kinder, and are more whole. They are more forgiving & more accepting & more willing to learn, to empathize, and to find strength.”

–Brianna Wiest

The universe always wants to support you in your decisions – it creates circumstances that will help you bridge the gap between who you want to become & who you currently are. Most of the time, life works in your favor even when you’re faced with what feels like insurmountable challenges. It usually asks you if you’re willing to step up & become bigger than these problems. Just like when playing any game, you can only uncover the bigger maps, unlock the next level, and face the next boss once you have overcome the previous ones. Otherwise, you get stuck at certain levels & can only move forward once you’re equipped to solve the current challenge.

“Usually when we have a problem that is circumstantial, we are facing the reality of life. When we have a problem that is chronic, we are facing the reality of ourselves.” –Brianna Wiest

There are times when you feel like you are just blazing forward, as if you are unstoppable & can do anything but at some point, you would face a certain resistance which would humble you. If you have already managed to establish supportive belief systems, then this challenge would be easier to tread but if there is something from your internal belief system that isn’t aligned to help you try again, if you see failure as something that defines who you are, if you get too emotional when you do something wrong or make a mistake, if your mental strength has not reached a certain level to face this problem & solve it, then you would need to reflect & gain more knowledge or skills. If you still can’t figure it out, you must be missing something, maybe there’s a different way of approaching the problem, maybe you need to look into something else, maybe it’s your habits that keep dragging you down or that you’re carrying too much baggage with you. Maybe it’s your environment that is not nourishing enough or the people you keep trying to bring with you on this next phase but whom you must part with. Maybe it is in how you manage your energy & your time. Maybe you aren’t aware of the problem yet so you cannot acknowledge it.

“In stillness, you are met with the most undeniable truth. That is why so many of us busy and distract ourselves, turning up the volume of the noise around us so that we don’t have to acknowledge what we already know. When you can sense a resistance to slowing down, ask yourself what it is that you do not want to see.” –Brianna Wiest

So what is it that you’re avoiding? What is it that you’re not listening to? What are you trying to escape from? Where are you trying to run off to? Is there an issue you haven’t resolved within yourself? Are you trying to fight a level 99 boss with your level 50 self? Can you not forgive others and let them go because you haven’t forgiven a certain side of yourself as well? What is it about them that trigger you every time? Why? What does that reveal about yourself? Do you keep complaining about others, justifying your poor decisions & lack of action or procrastinating repeatedly? Do you focus on things that are out of your control? Do you really like where you are headed right now? Is this the right game for you? Do you base success on external things? Do you even truly believe in yourself?

“When you work on becoming the person you want to be, the things that are meant to be yours find you. When your life comes from a place that’s authentic, you begin to attract the people, places, and experiences you actually want- not the ones you think you’re supposed to want.”

At certain stages of your journey, some people would resonate with you while others won’t. You have to learn to let them go & meet them when you’re both within the same frequency. If you’re someone who want to co-exist peacefully with others, you must not repeatedly put yourself around people who like to complain or moan or speak ill of others. Instead, you should allow yourself to be surrounded with like-minded people who appreciate others & see the beauty in imperfections, those who accept & respect others for who they truly are. In every game, some characters can only join you up until a certain part of your journey. It’s up to you when to move forward but I really think you should. I think you should let go of everything that limits you or keep defining you as past versions of yourself. Don’t let people deny you of your growth.

In the Japanese art of kintsugi, they repair broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum. Like this art, you also need to acknowledge your fall & honestly face where you have been broken, only then would you be able to fix these parts of you & strengthen your weaknesses.

Coffee soon,
