hello, it’s Anne!

I write short stories through letters on this website. I have worked as a copywriter where I produced articles for features, wrote concept decks, website copy, and A/V scripts. Then, I transitioned as a video editor & segment producer. After doing this for a while, I launched my personal blog which developed into my first business focused on content production.

My feature & behind-the-scenes films, social media ads, and infomercials were published and featured on different fashion, art, hotel, beverage, and startups’ marketing platforms.

During the pandemic, I consistently produced food content on Instagram, took on food styling and food photography projects and grew 3300+ followers. But at some point, I acknowledged my need to take a step back and re-align myself.

I focused on reading, learning new perspectives & ideas in the past two years. Time has gifted me the ability to slow down & work on self-awareness before anything else. I’m glad to have found my way back to my roots & start these conversations with you.

have something you want to say?